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while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
print “

print “

First Name Last Name Street City State Zip Code Telephone Personal Email Business Email Company
“.$row[‘First Name’].” “.$row[‘Last Name’].” “. “” . “ “. “” . “ “. “” . “ “. “” . “ “. “” . “ “.$row[‘E-mail’].” “.$row[‘Business Email’].” “.$row[‘Company’].”


$result2 = mysql_query(“SELECT `Certification`,`Version`,`Date`,`Score`,`Pass/Fail`,`Cert Date`,`Examiner`,`Cert. #`,`Cert Sent`,`Testing Center`,`Test Type`
FROM certifications
WHERE `userID` = ‘$useful'”);
echo “

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
print “

print “

Certification Version Date Score Pass/Fail Cert Date Examiner Cert. # Cert Sent Testing Center Test Type
“.$row[‘Certification’].” “.$row[‘Version’].” “.$row[‘Date’].” “.$row[‘Score’].” “.$row[‘Pass/Fail’].” “.$row[‘Cert Date’].” “.$row[‘Examiner’].” “.$row[‘Cert. #’].” “.$row[‘Cert Sent’].” “.$row[‘Testing Center’].” “.$row[‘Test Type’].”

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