Search VA WEAMS License and Certification

To gain VA approval for license and certification exams, the test must be generally accepted within the industry, must have existed for at least two years, and must meet other requirements.  Approval must be gained through the State Approving Agency in the state where headquartered.

SpaceTEC® and CertTEC® certifications are approved through the State of Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs and are listed on the WEAMS License and Certification page under the following Certification exam names:

  • SpaceTEC® Core Certified Aerospace Technician®
  • SpaceTEC® Vehicle Processing Certification
  • SpaceTEC® Aerospace Manufacturing Certification
  • SpaceTEC® Composites Certification
  • CertTEC® Aviation Structures Technician Level 1
  • CertTEC® Basic Electricity and Electronics (BEE)
  • CertTEC® Basic Composites

When completing the search filter, it is important to correctly identify the name of the exam, select the “Certification” tab, and click on the map of Florida.  An example of a search of the Basic Electricity and Electronics exam would look like this:

To complete the Search Filters:

  1. L&C Name: type in the name of the exam
  2. L&C Category Type: select “Certification”
  3. Click on the state of Florida to view the exam information
