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SpaceTEC® Schools-to-Space® Program

With a robust satellite launch market and our national space program’s imminent return to human spaceflight, SpaceTEC® has recognized a need for STEM educators to have appropriate resources when it comes to teaching space related activities and introducing students to the STEM career of Aerospace Technician. In April of 2015, SpaceTEC® launched an outreach program  called “Schools-to-Space®,” to provide primary and secondary STEM educators the tools to teach space, with an emphasis on the role of a Nationally Certified Aerospace Technician® in the aerospace industry.

What is an aerospace technician?  An aerospace technician is a STEM professional that “assembles, services, tests, operates, and repairs systems associated with both expendable and reusable space launch vehicles, payloads, related laboratories, and ground support equipment.” – Florida Resource Center

  • As of 2015, the average age of an aerospace technician was 53, indicating a high demand for skilled aerospace technicians in the near future as our nation’s aging workforce begin to retire.
  • By 2022, it is projected there will be FIVE Human Space Flight programs, both government and commercial, launching from Kennedy Space Center.
  • The median salary of an aerospace technician is $62,680 in 2013. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

To see the services we provide beyond this website, please view the Schools-to-Space Outreach flyer here or visit our contact page to request more information.



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Who is SpaceTEC®?

SpaceTEC® is a National Resource Center for Aerospace Technical Education that provides skill-based, nationally recognized professional certifications for the U. S. Aerospace Industry. All SpaceTEC® certifications are performance driven, based on technician competencies valued by industry competing in today’s global economic environment.

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