About MakerTEC®

MakerTEC® (Manufacturing Alliance Keeping Education Relevant to Technical Employee Competence) is a National Science Foundation project that was awarded in September 2016, to create a Coordination Network for advanced manufacturing. The goal of MakerTEC® is to advance manufacturing to create new directions in technician education by supporting faculty, industry, and other stakeholders to communicate and coordinate their research, training and activities across disciplinary, organizational, geographic and international boundaries.


  1. Matching needs with capabilities
  2. Identifying complementary programs
  3. Developing and deploying accepted performance standards and credentials
  4. Improving effectiveness of existing processes by identifying, then closing gaps
  5. Removing overlaps in systems and processes


  1. Focus on Work Ethics and Technical Skills as the New Standard of a Trained Technician
  2. More effective Technicians who have received world-class training that incorporates industry-endorsed certifications
  3. Educational training programs enhanced by incorporating the needs of industry
  4. Industries linked to programs producing a more qualified and industry-ready workforce
  5. Reduced cost to industry by saving time and money on acquiring and retaining skilled technicians