Midland College (MC), also known as “Your College,” focuses on providing higher education, community services, and cultural enrichment to the Midland community. MC offers a rich and exciting range of opportunities and services, as well as a quality educational experience that is both affordable and comfortable. Although MC offers two bachelor degrees, the College’s mission remains focused on community college objectives. Courses in the college’s academic programs transfer easily to four-year universities, and MC’s career and technical programs provide the skills necessary to enjoy a successful career. MC is especially suited to helping students adapt to a changing labor market by being able to quickly provide training required by business and industry. The College often partners with local businesses and expeditiously develops continuing education courses in response to industry needs, thereby getting students in and out and ready to work.
The Aviation Maintenance Technology program reflects the continuing efforts of Midland College in its mission to prepare students for employment, in business and industry, occupational advancement, retraining, and/or pursuit of higher degrees or certification. This training prepares students for the Federal Aviation Administration written, oral and practical exams.